Thursday, July 5, 2012

healthy foods to eat on the go

Healthy foods to eat on the go
When you are planning to go on vacation with your family, do not forget to bring lunch before departing. Enough stock during the trip can prevent you from getting too hungry. Hunger this is ultimately can make your meal to be larger.

You can make your holiday the moment more enjoyable by bringing a healthier lunch. However, If you do not have time to bring lunch, there are some healthy ways you can do throughout your journey to your holiday destination, such as:

1. Look for a Healthy Eating Places
Try not to cease at fast food outlets. Some research suggests that eating fast food can lead to several chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. The giant majority of fast food contain plenty of calories, added sugar, flavors and high salt. In order for your breakfast healthier, look for mini or food store that sells a greater variety of healthier foods like fresh fruits, green vegetables, cereals and plenty of other healthy foods. 

2. Eat More Often In the amount Small
Eating healthy foods in small amounts can give signals to the brain that your stomach is still in a state of satiety. Avoid foods that contain high calories. plenty of calories can make you sluggish & sleepy.

3. Eat Much Protein
Eat protein foods can stabilize your blood sugar levels, improve concentration and do not make your body fat. You can get protein from milk, fish or grains. Bring food to meet your daily protein requirement in transit.

4. Avoid Foods Containing Chemicals
When traveling you should avoid foods that contain additives such as soft drinks, sweet snacks, salty, or alcoholic beverages and so on. These foods contain a lot of food additives or additional ingredients that can harm your health. In addition, these foods can also make your energy quickly depleted.

5. Drink Lots of Water
Your body needs plenty of water for metabolic processes. Drink lots of water can also get rid of toxins in the body, making the skin look fresh, and prevents you not to eat too much. What's more, the water can keep you in order to stay well hydrated during the trip.

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