Many opinions that show the fact about diseases which categorized as inter-sexual. grouping commonly used is dividing inter-sexual as male pseudohermaphroditism (male pseudohermaphroditism = incomplete masculinization in individuals with a male genetic, female pseudohermaphroditism (Female pseudohermaphrodite = masculinization in individuals with a female genetic) and the true hermaphrodite (real hermaphrodite). Intersexual also included with the growth of the wrong gonad (gonadal dysgenesis), which can be examined based on chromosome analysis (karyotype) and microscopic picture of gonadal tissue (testes), these disorder growth can be either partial gonadal dysgenesis (partial) or all (complete). Generally, individuals who suffer from partial gonadal dysgenesis, have varying degrees of genital ambiguity, depending on the number of existing functional testicular tissue. Sometimes we meet children who are experiencing the gonadal dysgenesis with XY chromosomes (male) but has the structure of female genital organ, although less developed. Gonadal dysgenesis have a high risk to become malignant, so that often cause a dilemma in treatment whether to retain or capture gonad.
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