Friday, October 29, 2010

tricks to maintain eye health

In order to keep the eyes healthy, there are several things to be aware when you perform daily activities. Here are tips you can do:

1. Outside Room. Not only the body that need protection to ultraviolet light, the eyes were also needed. Therefore, any outdoor activity, especially in the daytime-wear sunglasses

2. Nutritious Food Consumption. Besides carrots, there are many more foods that are good for the eyes. Like mango-containing beta-carotene and vitamins C and E or fish that is decosahexaenoid Suber (DHA) are important for eye health.

3. Reading Books. Note the visibility. Best of all, the distance between the book and the eye is about 30 cm. Then try to position the book's eye level. So, for you who often read a book while lying, cobalahn to stop the habit.

4. Watch TV. Do it in the room with the lighting bright enough and make sure lights are in the ceiling, not behind the TV. While the safe distance for watching TV is a 5 x LONG diagonal screen. For example, for 14-inch television, safe distance is about 1.75 meters. For the 20-inch, about 2.5 meters and beyond.

5. At Home Computer. If you are still using CRT monitors, you'll want to install the filter screen to reduce the radiation emitted. If you are using LCD monitors or laptops, set screen brightness so it is not too bright (sharp). For those of you with daily bekerjadi front of the computer, try to always much blinking or break a moment to leave your computer, try to direct your eyes to other places, so allow time for relaxation on your eyes.
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