Like food menu in restaurant, all things are there. That’s diet to decrease our weight. Many various of diet is offered, but which is fit and good for our body, must be thought by us. With the correct way of diet, our weight will be more balance, and so our body is healthy.
Women often get the wrong way to understand about diet. Many of them think that the excellent way to decrease our weight is diet which is meant as “fast” or decrease the number of the foods that we consume. The assumption is with decreasing the number of the foods we consume as much as possible, will be quicker for decreasing of our weight to the weight that we want.
Dr. Luciana B. Sutanto, MS, Sp.GK explain that the meaning of diet is not that simple. "Diet actually has a meaning of the food and drink’s combination in foods that we comsume daily. So, control eating with the right pattern," explain clinic nutrition specialist from Mitra Keluarga Kemayoran Jakarta hospital.
There are so many metod of diet. From the Atkins Diet (diet low carbohidrat), the Cabbage Soup Diet, the Grapefruit Diet, the South Beach Diet, the Balance DIet, etc. From several kinds of diet, Lucia appreciate that the diet which is the best is the Balance Diet. “ Balance Diet gives the balance nutrition our body need and fulfill our normal metabolism.
The right way for diet, said Luciana, is always consume foods with the composition that our body need in balance. “of course with the total of calori that less than what usually we consume, so that our body will use …(simpanan energi tubuh), which is body’s fat, located in under skin or in our body’s fat (vyseral fat). With the lost of body’s fat mass, so will be a body’s weight decreation,” Said the doctor who also teaches in this FKUI-RSCM.
There are so many metod of diet. From the Atkins Diet (diet low carbohidrat), the Cabbage Soup Diet, the Grapefruit Diet, the South Beach Diet, the Balance DIet, etc. From several kinds of diet, Lucia appreciate that the diet which is the best is the Balance Diet. “ Balance Diet gives the balance nutrition our body need and fulfill our normal metabolism.
The right way for diet, said Luciana, is always consume foods with the composition that our body need in balance. “of course with the total of calori that less than what usually we consume, so that our body will use …(simpanan energi tubuh), which is body’s fat, located in under skin or in our body’s fat (vyseral fat). With the lost of body’s fat mass, so will be a body’s weight decreation,” Said the doctor who also teaches in this FKUI-RSCM.
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